“Jewel behind the Jewel” – Ambaji Shinde..!

Continued from back…

Thanx for your courteous responses, greatly appreciated.

Ambaji Shinde at our home…

‘’Jewel behind the Jewel’’ – Ambaji Shinde
Dear Well Wishers,

Shinde was born in a poor family in Goa, India. The Nanubhai Company that hired the young designer was dealing at the time with Harry Winston and Van Cleef & Arpels. That’s how Shinde met Harry Winston who invited him to work for his company first in Geneva and then in New York. He created for HW some of the most beautiful jewelry the world has ever seen. He mastered his techniques creating pieces in which the precious stones look like they are floating in the air and the metal parts are invisible. The most amazing trait of his personality was his modesty…

At Harry Winston, Mr. Shinde was referred to as the ”jewel behind the jewel”. No matter how famous he became, creating pieces worth millions of dollars, Shinde stayed a very humble person, who worked 7 days per week, living a very small apartment in Queens and taking the bus every day to go to work. He did all his sketches-drawings or designs in water color media. New York Times consecrated him many articles praising his professionalism and personality, calling Ambaji Shinde “The man who romanced the stones”…

Ambaji Shinde’s creation of jewelry for famous royal peoples while he was in India…

1) The coronation of Shah of Iran… 2) The coronation of Maharaja of Nepal… 3) The Prince Aga Khan III and his wifeYvonne Blanche Labrousse… 4) Pear-shaped diamonds of Indore…

Proud to mention, Southeast Asia’s wealthy king ‘The Sultan of Brunei’ is considered the richest person in the world. He offered Ambaji Shinde to design his place in complete gold with other jewelry and gave Shinde a blank cheque to Shinde (to fill out the amount for his work). Without any second thought, honest Shinde refused that kind offer…  

1) Ambaji Shinde – The King of Natural Diamonds… 2-3) The Rajmata Vijayraje Scindia flaunts a stunning natural diamond necklace made with long baguettes, mimicking two paper rolls cascading effortlessly into twirls…

A Jewellery Designer is an artist and craftsman specialising in the creation of beautiful works of art. By combining creativity and technical skills this professional drives the creative and production process from project conception to final manufacture of the product. The craftsmanship artistic vision storytelling and interpretations of jewelry all show that jewelry is art. Shinde was truly master of jewelry art. Shinde’s fine jewelry and drwaings were auctioned in two world’s largest Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction houses…

Though Shinde was very simple and private person. He was married and his family were in Mumbai. So, he used to go to Mumbai every year. He consider us like his close family. He used to like Veena’s cooking and delicious food. So, he used to come to our house for lunch and dinner periodically. He had a great personality and was always in suit-well dressed. He used to love Indian classical music and oldies too. When I met him very first timein his Manhattan office, he told me, “Jayant, don’t go after money, earn recognition. That will stay behind.” That was very true. Well, we were very fortunate and truly blessed with his friendship which lasted 42 years until he passed away in 2003…

Please click below to Meet Ambaji Shinde, the unrivaled ‘The King of Natural Diamonds’…

As you may know, The 97th Academy/Oscar Awards ceremony is on Sunday, March 2, 2025, It is our pleasure to share this story with pride…

Thanx with regards,

Jayant & Veena Kulkarni.

Sharing is CaringTo be continued… 

Ambaji Shinde – ‘Shinde Jewels’

PS:Proud to share some of courteous responses below… Thanx.

Hi. JSK  NAMASKARA. Bhai Saheb and Veenaben. It is beautiful photos and history. Both of you look very young because you both were young at that time. It is good to know about Harry Winston and Ambaji Shinde. Your photo looks great with Mr Shinde. It is always great to look back at these past lives. You are very lucky and fortunate you have preserved all these famous photos and articles. Believe us or not we enjoy thoroughly reading it and watching it.  Please let keep on coming with all these articles.  These all are very interesting and informative. 

Thanks for sharing. 

Sharing is caring. Regards.

 KISHAN n lilu.

Thank you for sharing these interesting information with us. 


Kavita Shah

Program and Budget Director 

India home inc.

Beautiful story..! 

So good to hear such things which were happening right here. It did not make news even in Indian newspapers. Perhaps these news papers were not even born yet.

Thanks Jayant ji.

Dr. Nalini Juthani.


Absolutely awesome.

Thanks for sharing. 

I didn’t know about this wonderful and talented designer.

What beauty, what perfection.

My regards to himAnd to you as well.

Vartak Swati, Mumbai