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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot in the way we provide services. One of the new services we have started is grocery services. This grocery service has helped keep seniors safe and prevent them from going out and being at risk to COVID-19. This way seniors can cook food for themselves in their own home and safely quarantine….

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COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion with Dr. Madhuri Ray


India Home in collaboration with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and SHETU held an informative session discussing COVID-19 and the vaccine on February 17, 2021. The information session was led by Dr. Madhury Ray and translated to Bangla by India Home staff. Dr. Ray has experience working on disasters from measles to earthquakes and hurricanes. With COVID-19…

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COVID-19 Update

Despite the quarantine & government-mandated shut down of senior centers, our programming staff is hard at work to ensure assistance is reached to seniors. To make sure seniors are fed, we started a home-delivery meal program starting March 23rd, through which hundreds of meals are being served to the safety of seniors’ homes. We are checking in with all…

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Chhaya CDC awards India Home the Community Leadership Award for Community Impact

Chhaya CDC honored India Home with a Community Leadership Award for Community Impact at the nonprofit’s annual Chatpati Mela held in Jackson Heights on July 21, 2018.  Melinda Katz, the Queens Borough President.  honored India Home’s work serving the South Asian elderly, with a citation awarded to India Home’s Executive Director, Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi. Speaking on the occasion, Ms….

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Immigrant elders find relief with affordable housing in NYC, but feel isolated from community

Nurul Khan and his wife Farida Begum are an older Bengali couple from Queens who lived for 30 years in damp basement apartments in Jamaica, Queens until recently. “It was so damp I got arthritis,” Farida Begum said to visitors recently. “The basement was freezing.” The visitors were in Farida Begum’s brand new apartment on 96th avenue. Tiny…

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Engage at Every Age: Celebrating our older adults this May

May is Older Americans Month – an observance that is led by the Administration on Aging, part of the Administration for Community Living (ACL). The theme for 2018 is ENGAGE AT EVERY AGE, which celebrates the way in which older adults make a difference in our communities whether it is by volunteering at hospitals, senior centers, marching in a…

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Pains, Trains, and no Automobiles: Abu Sayeed’s Commute Highlights Transportation Difficulties for Elders in NYC

Three mornings a week, Abu Sayeed, 64, wakes up in his home in Cyprus Hills in Brooklyn, NY, worrying about the subway. He wonders if he’ll manage get the right train? How long will he have to wait? As he gets ready for his long walk to the station – putting on a cap, a thick sweater, sports…

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We Hear You: Why being Culturally Competent matters in Aging Services

Salma Abdul1 was born and grew up in Bangladesh. Her children left for the US to study, then settled in the country as permanent residents. When her husband died, she found herself alone. Her children, unable to leave their lives in the US, but worried about her aging alone, asked her to come and join them in America….

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Top Ten Highlights of 2017!

1. India Home’s Executive Director, Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi, was named one of this year’s Top Influencer in Aging, by Next Avenue/PBS         2.  Nargis Ahmed, India Home’s Desi Senior Center Director, won AARP’s Community Hero Award          3. We moved into brand new offices in Jamaica, Queens.         4. We got some great…

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Exhibiting the Art of Our Elders

The elder patrons of our Sunnyside Center celebrated the end of their Drawing Workshop with an exhibition of their paintings at Jackson Diner in Jackson Heights, Queens. For eight weeks they had  learned what Ebenezer Singh, the teaching artist leading the classes, called, “Pen and Ink Wash, Dry Pastel and Water Color techniques.” Classes taught by a professional artist Run…

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